Self Enhancement Inc.

Self Enhancement, Inc. (SEI) is dedicated to guiding underserved youth to realize their full potential.

Their Mission.

Self Enhancement, Inc. (SEI) is dedicated to guiding underserved youth to realize their full potential. Working with schools, families, and partner community organizations, SEI provides support, guidance, and opportunities to achieve personal and academic success. SEI brings hope to individual young people and enhances the quality of community life.

Program Summary.

SEI is a comprehensive, one-stop resource for youth and families, primarily African Americans and others living in poverty or seeking culturally responsive services. It is also one of the city’s leading multi-service organizations, providing thousands of youth, families, and adults with a wide array of education and social services on an annual basis. SEI’s strength is in its ability to meet the complex needs of the children and families it serves, including helping people overcome cultural, educational, and economic barriers

SEI is committed to helping youth and families realize their full potential. SEI believes that every child has a gift and that it is our shared responsibility to help every child find that gift. By expanding learning opportunities and teaching every child that “Life Has Options,” SEI is seeing amazing results proving that SEI is the solution.

Demographics and Outcomes.

SEI served a total number of 5,030 youth in 2022. 63% African American, 15% White,  13% Hispanic/Latino, 4% Asian and 5% Other. SEI youth have a graduation rate 100% vs. a 72% rate of comparable youth in the County Public Schools